Friday, March 8, 2013

Medicaid Expansion?

       Medicaid expansion has been a huge topic in government. I have been reading many articles about it for these assignments, but "Straus Seeks Sugarcoat for Medicaid Expansion" by Dustin Matocha stuck with me. According to Speaker Joe Straus, “We need to move beyond the word ‘no’ to something the administration might entertain.” Governor Perry along with most of the House GOP oppose to the expansion. This article goes into explaining the Arkansas deal, which gives federal tax dollars for purchasing private insurance that have the same benefits and cost-sharing requirements as those of the Medicaid expansion offer. Speaker Straus’ solution is a “Texas Solution” similar to that.

      Matocha clearly doesn’t believe that this is the right plan for Texas.  According to Matocha, the system will cost an average of $3000 more per person, and is also going to leave Arkansas a higher bill than they would have had without the plan. Matocha’s article starts with the facts about the topic and the Arkansas plan, then goes on with more personal beliefs to show his thoughts on what should or shouldn’t happen. It works because it is informative as well as a little persuasive, and it also catches your attention. There were links to show where he got his information, which made it much more credible. His thoughts are easy to follow and know where they’re coming from. His conclusion summed up his thoughts on the argument very well:

“Sugarcoating a poison pill doesn’t make it any less poisonous, just like expanding Medicaid under the guise of a ‘flexible compromise’ isn’t any less hazardous to the health of our state’s fiscal future.”

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